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摘 要
本文以技术介绍、机长端需求分析、地面指挥人员端需求分析、系统分析与设计、代码实现几个方面为目标,主要运用了Java(jdk-7u15-windows-i586)技术、mysql-essential-5.1.32-win32、Eclipse IDE for Java DevelopersVersion: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2)、apache-tomcat-7.0.77等开发环境与工具;Java、Jsp、JDBC、Servlet和javascript技术以及easyui架包设计实现了机场航班起降与协调管理系统。
关键词: Java;Jsp ;客户端;机场航班;起降与协调管理
With the development of society and the progress of science and technology, the advent of the information era, a variety of intelligent electrical equipment also followed, by far the most original, the most common is the use of computers, computer software is a very big turning point for the progress of computer science, computer software, computer software programming language in modern the most widely used is JAVA. The development in various programming languages today, it is still firmly occupy the core position in the computer language, and developed the computer technology Jsp, JavaEE and Struts2 and other advanced, and made great contributions to the development of computer science and software, has also made remarkable contributions to the development of human production and modern society. A variety of Java computer software and app for open markets based on mobile phone. In flight safety, according to incomplete statistics, the accident occurred in the flight 83.5% flight takeoff and landing stage occurred in October 11, 2016, Hongqiao airport runway intrusion event fully demonstrates the importance of communication in the airport and the captain and the tower in a timely and clear instructions issued to flight safety, in order to help secure the ground commander the implementation of major responsibilities of flight scheduling and flight captain communication and command is issued, flights and coordination management system is particularly important, he can real-time flight information management, timely and clear to send commands to the flight and flight from the receipt of the request, and the number of requests and instructions, a clear record of each item data.
Now most of the functions of flight scheduling also requires the ground commander to manually schedule flights to the airport, only radio communication. The flight management system in addition to the use of radio, the tower and aircraft introduced a clear view and instruction information release system, introduces the visible instruction release system, greatly reducing the ground commanders and command directives issued by the error rate, largely to avoid security risks.
Based on the technology introduction, analysis, demand analysis, Captain end ground commanders end demand system analysis and design, code implementation aspects as the goal, the main use of the Java (jdk-7u15-windows-i586), mysql-essential-5.1.32-win32 Eclipse IDE for technology, Java DevelopersVersion: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2), apache-tomcat-7.0.77 development environment and tools; Java, Jsp JDBC, Servlet and javascript technology and easyUI package design and implementation of Airport Flights taking off and landing and coordination management system.
Keywords: Java; Jsp; client; airport flight; take off and coordinate management
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 项目背景 1
1.2 项目目的 1
1.3 项目可行性分析 2
2 技术介绍 3
2.1 Java技术 3
2.1.1 Java技术简介 3
2.1.2 Java面向对象的特征 3
2.2Javascript和jQuery技术 4
2.1.1 Javascript 简介 4
2.2.2 jQuery-easyui简介 4
2.3Jsp技术 5
2.4 Mysql 5
3 需求分析 6
3.1需求分析 6
3.2 地面指挥端需求分析 8
3.2.1地面指挥端需求描述 8
3.2.2地面指挥端用例表 8
3.3机长端需求分析 11
3.3.1机长端需求描述 11
3.3.2机长端用例表 11
3.4航班起降与协调系统功能模块图 13
3.5航班起降与协调系统E-R图 13
4 系统及功能设计 14
4.1 项目组成 14
4.1.1 数据库端 14
4.1.2 服务器端 14
4.1.3 客户端 14
4.2 数据库的分析与设计 14
4.2.1 数据库逻辑结构设计 14
4.2.2 数据库表的分析 15
4.2.3 数据库表的设计 15
4.2.4 数据库表的关联 17
4.3 项目流程图 18
4.4 服务器端功能设计 20
4.5 客户端功能设计 21
5 项目环境的搭建 22
5.1 JDK的安装 22
5.1.1 JDK-7u15的安装 22
5.1.2 JDK环境变量的配置 22
5.2 数据库的安装 23
5.2.1 Mysql的安装与配置 23
5.2.2 SQLyog10.2的安装与配置 24
5.3 服务器端和客户端的安装 25
5.3.1 eclipse LUNA的安装与配置 25
5.3.2 apache-tomcat-7.0.77的安装与配置 26
6 系统的实现 27
6.1 登录功能的实现 27
6.1.1指挥员登录 27
6.1.2机长登录 28
6.2主界面的实现 29
6.2.1 地面指挥端主界面的实现 29
6.2.2 机长端主界面的实现 31
6.3 地面指挥管理功能的实现 32
6.3.1 地面指挥端航班信息管理功能的实现 32
6.3.2 地面指挥端航班指挥信息管理功能的实现 35
6.4 机长端功能实现 37
6.4.1 机长端信息显示的实现 37
6.4.2地面指挥端航班指挥信息管理功能的实现 39
7 系统的测试与维护 43
7.1 测试描述 43
7.2 测试目的 43
7.3 测试范围 44
7.4 测试用例 44
7.5 测试结果分析 46
8 结束语 47
参考文献 48
致谢 49
外文原文 50
中文翻译 61
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