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摘 要
With the progress and development of society, sports fitness, as an effective means to promote people’s health, has been widely accepted by society. However, only pay attention to exercise fitness, ignore diet, also can not get health. Because of the lack of enough knowledge of sports nutrition, people always have what to eat, how to eat, how much to eat, not to cook and so on, which affects people’s pursuit of health. On the basis of the research of traditional menu Mini Programs and the related theoretical knowledge of sports nutrition, this paper analyzes the body data and their own needs of users, and obtains the calories, carbohydrates and other elements that users need to eat every day. Help people make a reasonable diet plan and pay attention to diet details. The system adopts the constraint-based recommendation algorithm, through the friendly interaction with the user, recommends the menu which not only accords with the personal nutrition health standard but also satisfies the personal taste. In order to improve the cooking level of users, the system collects rich and comprehensive recipes, and classifies them to facilitate users to browse and view. At the same time, a community communication platform is constructed, which brings together users with common interests and hobbies to enhance the communication and interaction between users and expand the social circle of users.
The system uses Java language, Tomcat server, MySQL database and other technologies to realize menu Mini Programs on WeChat Mini Program platform. From the developer’s point of view, it briefly introduces its development process. Its main functions, software framework, configuration and testing are briefly described. The program has four main functions: diet recommendation, food nutrition introduction, human needs and interactive platform. After explaining the Mini Programs application development process, the global configuration file app.json, in the program is used to explain the specific effect of each attribute code in the development.
Keywords: recipe; healthy recipe; Mini Programs; Java;Mysql
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