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摘 要
本课题所开发的系统将在Windows 10操作系统运行,以Java作为开发语言,利用合适的算法进行编排,并使用MySQL数据库技术设计一个排课系统,以期替代或部分替代人工,节省教务人员的精力,并有效减少手工排课中的各种冲突,提高排课效率。通过自己所学的知识完成登录和排课,管理课程及删除、添加、搜索所排课程的详细信息,在最终完成本系统的过程中对基于Java构架的项目开发有进一步的了解。使得教务管理人员能很好了解并运用排课系统来实现排课。
Education is not only an important way to improve the quality of the people, but also a key content to improve the level of the country’s modern productive forces. The scheduling system is not only an important content of teaching management, but also an important content of realizing modernization in colleges and universities. At present, many universities try to complete the scheduling work with a certain scheduling algorithm, combined with the college situation, through in-depth understanding of the school scheduling situation, and access to and browse the relevant information, software, on the basis of which we have a more thorough analysis of the system requirements, considering the complexity of the algorithm And the time limit of development, we will arrange the system to achieve simple algorithm, but practical and humanized system, so in the design of the scheduling system should meet the following requirements: master all the school curriculum and teacher information, including classroom, class, teacher and course time. Provides flexible browsing and query capabilities to view class information. course information and teacher information can be deleted and edited. Can carry on the change management and the automatic scheduling function to the course. After the automatic class scheduling is completed, the abnormal information of class scheduling will be given feedback.
The system developed in this project will run in the Windows 10 operating system, use Java as the development language, use appropriate algorithms to arrange, and use MySQL database technology to design a class scheduling system, with a view to replacing or partially replacing labor, saving the energy of academic staff, and effectively reducing all kinds of conflicts in manual class scheduling, and improving the efficiency of class scheduling. Complete the login and scheduling through the knowledge you have learned, manage the course and delete, add and search the details of the scheduled course, and have a further understanding of the project development based on the Java framework during the final completion of the system. To enable educational administration People can understand and use scheduling system to achieve scheduling.
Keywords: automatic class scheduling; intelligent class scheduling; Java;Mysql
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