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摘 要
关键词 评教系统,Spring框架,数据统计
Design and Realization of a Customized Teaching Evaluation System
Evaluation of teaching is one of the most important way to improve the quality of teaching. In the Internet age, informatization is the mainstreams of the teaching evaluation development, compared with the traditional evaluation form, online teaching evaluation system with accurate, timely, lower cost and many advantages. Through the investigation of the current teaching evaluation system, we can found that those systems has some deficiencies such as single index, weight average, lack of result statistics and so on. So a customized evaluation system is designed and implemented to improve the effect of the teaching evaluation .
This paper mainly studies how to design and implement the use of flexible and customized evaluation system to complete the work of the school evaluation. To reduce the cost of data maintenance, the data import module is used to generate metadata. Implement custom evaluation indicators to measure the teaching effect. Data statistics of the evaluation result is detailed and clear, from many aspects to show the problems appeared in the teaching. Making the system play a more important role in promoting teaching effect.
The system use the spring framework and MySQL database to provide development environment , the development process follow the principals of the MVC and the thought of software engineering , through the requirement analysis, overall design, detailed design, coding and testing to ensure the quality of the system. In the security aspect, the system provides convenient privilege management and fine – grained access control. And the system scalability and concurrent access is discussed in the paper.
Keywords Evaluation system, Spring Framework , Data statistics
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
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