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  • 基于SSM框架的网上服饰商城购物系统源码+毕业论文

    基于SSM框架的网上服饰商城购物系统源码+毕业论文 最后编辑:2022-03-05
    增值服务: 自动发货 使用说明 安装指导 环境配置二次开发BUG修复

    摘    要
    With today’s computer technology in all walks of life increasingly extensive and in-depth application, the concept of e-commerce has long been popular, the application of e-commerce is more and more widely, the impact on the enterprise is also growing.Now, the application of E – commerce almost penetrated into all walks of life.Companies can find customers through e-commerce, promotion of products, sales of goods, product sourcing, seeking strategic partners and so on. E-commerce and traditional enterprises in production, circulation, consumption and other aspects of the depth of fusion, change the traditional enterprise management mode and marketing mode, allow enterprises to clearly understand the individual needs of each customer, make corresponding to maximize the profit of the enterprise’s strategy, but also to improve customer relationships, improve the corporate image, improve enterprise resource allocation and operation management level. Online shopping mall is one of the development trend of e-commerce applications. Online shopping mall not only allows consumers to shop more convenient, but also bring a lot of benefits for the enterprise.
    This paper studies a JavaEE based on springmvc, spring, mabatis three framework design of the online shopping mall system. The foreground of the system uses the jQuery technology, bootstrap technology, and the front and back interactive use of Ajax and json. This system uses the B/S software architecture, the use of the development tool is eclipse, the use of the database is mysql. Its development process has experienced the development background, purpose and significance of the analysis and system analysis and design. The system focuses on the analysis of the needs of users and the way to achieve the use of rose design of object-oriented analysis of the use case diagram, timing diagram and activity diagram. This system mainly divides into the onstage member customer management module and the backstage manager module. Front desk member customer operation mainly has: commodity browsing, member registration, member login, member information modification, shopping cart management, purchase goods and other functional modules. Background management mainly includes: order management, commodity management, member management, system set four function modules. Because the system uses the MVC mode design idea, makes the system portability is very strong, only need to modify the configuration file can be run on different servers.
    Key words:Electronic commerce, JavaEE, jQuery, SSM, B/S, MVC, mysql, clothing store system
    目       录
    1绪论 1
    1.1选题背景 1
    1.1.1网上购物的发展 4
    1.1.2网上购物的现状 5
    1.2研究目标 6
    1.3研究的意义 7
    2相关技术理论基础 8
    2.1 jsp技术的优势 8
    2.2 MySQL数据库的介绍 11
    2.3 Apache和tomcat服务器整合 13
    2.4 ajax和json 13
    2.5 spring+springmvc+mabatis框架的优势 13
    2.6 B/S架构 13
    3系统分析 14
    3.1可行性分析 18
    3.2需求分析 22
    3.3系统功能分析 26
    3.3.1顾客功能分析 26
    3.3.2管理员(店户)功能分析 26
    3.3.3商城系统的功能结构图 26
    3.4业务建模 27
    3.4.1用例图 27
    3.4.2用例规约 29
    3.4.3状态图 31
    3.4.4顾客查询商品时序图 32
    3.4.5顾客反馈信息时序图 33
    3.4.6顾客查询商品时序图 34
    3.4.7管理员添加商品时序图 26
    3.4.8 管理员删除商品时序图 35
    3.4.9顾客在线支付时序图 35
    3.4.10管理员活动图 36
    4数据库设计 37
    4.1 E-R图设计 37
    4.2实体属性 39
    4.3数据库逻辑结构设计 41
    4.3.1数据库结构图 45
    4.3.2数据字典 46
    5系统详细设计 47
    5.1 MVC模式设计 47
    5.2系统业务应用层设计 47
    5.2.1数据访问层设计 48
    5.2.2业务逻辑层设计 48
    5.2.3用户表示层设计 49
    5.3系统功能设计 50
    5.3.1顾客子模块功能设计 50
    5.3.2管理员(店户)子模块功能设计 51
    参考文献 52
    致 谢 53

    基于SSM框架的网上服饰商城购物系统源码+毕业论文 基于SSM框架的网上服饰商城购物系统源码+毕业论文 基于SSM框架的网上服饰商城购物系统源码+毕业论文 基于SSM框架的网上服饰商城购物系统源码+毕业论文 基于SSM框架的网上服饰商城购物系统源码+毕业论文 基于SSM框架的网上服饰商城购物系统源码+毕业论文 基于SSM框架的网上服饰商城购物系统源码+毕业论文 基于SSM框架的网上服饰商城购物系统源码+毕业论文 基于SSM框架的网上服饰商城购物系统源码+毕业论文 基于SSM框架的网上服饰商城购物系统源码+毕业论文



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