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The design and implementation of college student file information management based on vue
Abstract: along with the growing of colleges and universities, the school recruit students number increasing, at the same time, college students’ archives management issues have to brought to the attention of the colleges and universities, how to effectively manage student profile has become a top priority of the school, this is also has important influence on school development of a task. With the advent of the information age, the education reform also follows the trend. Education also needs to make changes in informationization, which is an important issue. Scale along with the increase of the number of students in university, information management will be increasingly difficult, students from all over the country, there is a different problem, then to the student files for reasonable and effective management has become a problem in front of colleges and universities. This is to develop a set of reasonable and effective student records management system, not only can greatly improve the construction and development of the school, but also to the school’s teaching level can be tested, achieve scientification and informatization management. With the development of the information age, the development of colleges and universities should be updated, and the information management should be followed closely.
From students from each university archives management actual investigation, analysis and research, in order to apply to regular institutions of higher learning and learning technology, design a set of college students based on vue archives information management system, improve the file management to the student information management more scientific, reduces the artificial management possible error and the situation of the information is not accurate. According to the major popular technology, analyzed the current network mode of B/S structure, the main use vue and HTML and CSS, as well as some background technologies such as vue, SQL background such as technology, design and implementation of the whole system. Studing in front, with the mainstream of the front frame so vue based design, for the existing system of campus network structure, aims to reduce the use of human and system maintenance costs, as far as possible in the existing resources, realize the rationalization of distribution, the system feasibility analysis. Content in this paper, based on the need for the system development process analysis, adopts the modular design thinking, on the whole system function and specific implementation details in detail, has been clear about the users can interact, and other functions, and the function of each module and the concurrency of the whole system, each function module has a detailed design, and to integrate it into a complete system, and the function for the connection between the system each function has carried on the design and testing, to verify the performance of each function module.
In colleges and universities as the foundation, design a set of university student file management system, especially for the students of the school information management integration, and application practice in colleges and universities has achieved good effect.
Keywords:student file management; vue; B/S architecture; information management
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