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  • 基于2D连续图像序列的行人骨架关节角度估计毕业论文+项目源码

    基于2D连续图像序列的行人骨架关节角度估计毕业论文+项目源码 最后编辑:2021-06-10
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    摘  要






    关键词  俯卧撑  动作分割  姿态分割  向量模  模型匹配  动作估计


    The angle estimation of pedestrian skeleton joint is a hot topic in the field of machine vision. It involves many subjects such as image processing, pattern estimation, artificial intelligence and so on. The angle estimation of pedestrian skeleton joints based on video includes human region detection, motion and posture segmentation, target analysis and behavior understanding for motion estimation. On the basis of analyzing and summarizing the related work of researchers in this field, this paper divides the motion and posture according to the characteristics of push-ups, and estimates its complete motion.

    The main contents of this paper are as follows:

    1. According to the characteristics of target action, this paper proposes an action and posture segmentation method based on the feature of motion change rate. Firstly, the contour information of the action region in the image is obtained, and then the changing rate of the action is mined according to the variation of the contour information in the sequence of continuous images, and then the segmentation points of the action and posture are defined by the quantized change rate of the action. Finally, according to the significance of motion estimation, the different attitude is divided into critical attitude and non-critical attitude. Because the key attitude carries most of the information of motion estimation, only the key attitude is used to estimate the action. This method can effectively reduce the computational complexity. High real-time performance.

    2. In this paper, an error elimination algorithm based on vector mode is proposed to eliminate the error caused by abnormal data in the data sequence. The basic principle is to construct a new set of data sequences by using the modules of multidimensional vectors on the basis of the original data sequences. First, a data node and its adjacent data are used to simulate the upward sub-vectors of the multidimensional vector, and then the modules of the multidimensional vector are calculated and used as the nodes in the new data sequence corresponding to the current data node.

    3. On the basis of motion and posture segmentation, the method of motion estimation based on stick model is adopted in this paper, and the target classification and motion estimation are carried out by establishing the human body models of each key posture separately and comparing with the actual action human body. Combined with a large number of experiments, the stability and accuracy of the above methods and algorithms are verified, and the results are satisfactory.

    Keywords:push-ups segmentation attitude segmentation vector module model matching motion estimation

    目  录

    第1章  绪  论 1

    1.1  行人骨架关节角度估计 1

    1.2  行人骨架关节角度估计的应用领域 2

    1.3  行人骨架关节角度估计方法简述 3

    1.3. 1  基于概率统计的方法 3

    1.3.2  基于语法的方法 4

    1.3.3  基于模型的方法 4

    1.4  行人骨架关节角度估计的难点和面临的挑战 5

    1.5  本文的研究意义及主要工作 6

    1.5.1  研究意义 6

    1.5.2  主要工作 7

    第2章  人体区域检测 8

    2.1  人体区域检测方法 8

    2.1.1  静态背景下的人体区域检测 8

    2.1.2  动态背景下的人体区域检测 9

    2.2  本文中的人体区域检测 9

    2.2.1  建立背景模型 9

    2.2.2  利用背景减除法得到人体区域 10

    2.2.3  人体区域处理 10

    第3章  动作特征提取 12

    3.1  基于特征的方法 12

    3.2  基于模型的方法 13

    3.3  本文的动作特征提取 16

    3.3.1  从人体区域中提取轮廓特征 16

    3.3.2  利用轮廓特征的变化获取动作变化率特征 17

    3.3.3  动作变化率的优化 18

    第4章  俯卧撑运动的动作及姿态分割 20

    4.1  动作分割简述 20

    4.2  动作分割中的难点 21

    4.2.1  动作过渡区的问题 21

    4.2.2  解决方法 21

    4.3  基于动作变化率的动作及姿态边界检测 22

    4.3.1  动作分割 22

    4.3.2  姿态分割 22

    4.4  俯卧撑的动作及姿态分割过程及结果 22

    4.4.1  运动人体的提取与处理 22

    4.4.2  运动状态特征提取与优化 23

    4.4.3  俯卧撑的动作及姿态分割 23

    第5章  俯卧撑运动的动作估计 25

    5.1  行人骨架关节角度估计概述 25

    5.1.1  行人骨架关节角度估计存在的难点 25

    5.1.2  行人骨架关节角度估计所需的理想化条件 25

    5.1.3  行人骨架关节角度估计方法分类 26

    5.2  基于运动特征的行人骨架关节角度估计 27

    5.2.1  运动特征选择 27

    5.2.2  运动特征匹配 28

    5.3  基于模型的行人骨架关节角度估计 28

    5.3.1  人体模型建立 28

    5.3.2  俯卧撑模型的建立 29

    5.3.3  模型评价 30

    5.4  实验过程及结果 31

    5.4.1  俯卧撑模型参数的确定 31

    5.4.2  利用模型估计待测样本 33

    第6章  总结与展望 34

    6.1  本文总结 34

    6.2  工作展望 34

    参考文献 36

    致  谢 41







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