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关键词: B/S结构;电影网;推荐系统;Java Web;SSM
Abstract In recent years, with the improvement of people’s living standards, people have more and more ways to entertain. As a way of entertainment, movies have become an indispensable part of people’s lives. As an important medium for the transmission of movies, the movie network has the function of displaying information and recommending, but the current network is only electric. The display of shadow information is difficult to allow users to develop their interest to the extreme. These film networks cannot meet the needs of the user’s growth. The film network mainly solves the lack of film recommendation mechanism in today’s Web sites and recommends movies from different aspects. It is the core function of this system, as well as the display of film information, and user comments. Movies, movie reviews under highly rated films will be listed, strengthening the connection between users and movies, and meeting the needs of users for recommendation.
The main design language of the Website is Java, and the development tools mainly include WebStorm, Eclipse, Tomcat and MySQL. Through the investigation on the status of the line and the feedback from the line, we can get the user’s demand, and summarize the function modules of the movie network: the user login module, the movie classification, the movie details, the movie reviews, the film rankings, and the movie reviews. In detail, the detailed field design, entity design, core algorithm, etc. of the main database tables of the Website are introduced in detail. The database design takes into account the recommendation of the film, joins the fields related to the recommendation, the entity class design and the database table. According to the close correspondence, the Website focuses on the core recommendation algorithm. From the source of the data to the data processing and the recommendation algorithm, the design of the recommendation algorithm is elaborated in the system implementation part. Finally, the Web site has been able to meet most requirements after the function test, and the problems in the test process are solved. At present, the Website system runs smoothly, and also adds a certain system robustness to meet the design needs of the Website.
Keywords B/S structure; movie net; recommendation system; Java Web; SSM
目 录
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