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摘 要
2016年,我国在 “十三五”规划中,明确的提出新一代信息技术产业的发展重点将转移到培育人工智能、第五代移动通信、移动智能终端和先进传感器等方向。近年来智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑等智能终端的快速普及,使得全国人民几乎每个人都拥有一部智能手机,每个家庭拥有一部电脑。国家通信部多次对我国各个通信运营商进行提速降费的政策要求,使得现在以及将来不仅流量费、宽带费越来越实惠,速度更是越来越快。基于以上现状,使得人们能随时随地的在线观看视频,这也促使了在线视频网站的快速发展。
In 2016, China in the specification for 13th Five-Year, clearly put forward the developments of the new generations of information technology industry will be transferred to the development of artificial intelligence, fifth generation mobile communications, mobile intelligent terminals and advanced sensors and other directions. In recent years, intelligent terminals such as smart phones, tablets, and laptops have been popularized so that almost everyone in the country has a smart phone; each family has a computer. The Ministry of communications has repeatedly made the policy requirements for the speed reduction of various telecom operators in China, making the current and future not only more and more affordable, but also faster and faster. At the same time, people can watch videos online anytime and anywhere.
Taking the fans of film and TV drama as the object of study, we thoroughly understand the needs of movie and TV fans to analyze online video watching videos, and form system requirement analysis. The system uses Java as the development language of the server. It takes the front-end language as HTML5, JSP, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX as front-end development language, uses spring, springMVC, mybatis (SSM) as the whole development framework, uses MySQL as the database, uses Eclipse as a tool, and uses it as a container. Design an online video website that is suitable for fans of movie and TV dramas. Through the detailed analysis of the various functions of the system, the design of the database is described in detail, and the business process and the function module diagram of each module are drawn. The online video website system is divided into two blocks: the front desk system and the backstage management system, in which the front desk is divided into 10 small modules: user login and exit module, user registration module, front page module, TV play module, movie module, animation module, variety module, video upload module, online play and download. Module and personal management center module; the background management system is divided into four small modules: the administrator login and exit module, video management module, user management module and authority management module. The video management module is divided into six sub modules: video upload module, home page management module, TV play management module, film Management module, variety management module, animation management module, user management module is divided into two sub modules: user management module, video audit module, authority management module is divided into two sub modules: account management module, authorization management module. Through the detailed and thorough design of the system, users can not only watch and download the video provided by the website, but also upload their video to share with other users. And after a lot of research and testing, the whole system is not only easy to operate for the movie and TV fans, but also allows the website manager to manage and control the web site as a whole. The purpose of informatization, standardization and efficient management is truly achieved.
Key words: Online video website; website design and implementation; SSM; Ajax; database design
目 录
springboot mysql临沂兼职通系统源码+安装视频+讲解视频
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99源码网 » 基于SSM的在线视频网站的设计与实现毕业论文+外文翻译及原文+项目源码及数据库文件
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