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关键词 汽车维修管理;Java;SSM;EasyUI
With the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, the number of private cars is increasing year by year. This leads to the development of the automotive maintenance industry. More and more car repair factories have sprung up. At the same time, the maintenance operations of the plant have generated a large amount of data, which put new requirements for the data management of the staff of the vehicle repair factory. They need to think about how to handle data efficiently and without error to ensure efficient operation of the maintenance and plant their economic benefits. Therefore, the car repair factories need a business data management system that can help them deal with the maintenance plant’s business data, customer data and employee data.
The main problems solved in this paper are: (1) vehicle reception: the system needs to add visitors and their vehicle information, billing operations, and assign maintenance staff and quality inspection staff to the maintenance order. (2) maintenance project registration: maintenance staff can carry out maintenance inspection, register maintenance materials and maintenance hours. (3) maintenance picking: maintenance staff receive maintenance materials. (4) quality inspection completed: quality inspectors quality inspection and input quality inspection results to system. (5) consumer billing: check the maintenance order and make payment operation. (6) accessories management: staff management accessories information.
This paper firstly introduces the background, current situation and problems of vehicle maintenance management. Then the paper introduces the technology used in this project. Then the requirement analysis is carried out by using the object-oriented method and UML analysis modeling tools. Then the design of the system is introduced, and the business logic of the system is described in detail. It describes the database design of the system. It also describes the specific implementation of the system. The system uses the SMM framework to achieve and the pages use EasyUI to complete. At last, it introduces the test part of the system and selects some functions to test it.
Keywords Vehicle Maintenance Management Java SSM EasyUI
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