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  • Web端智能家居控制系统(软件设计+硬件设计+毕业论文)

    Web端智能家居控制系统(软件设计+硬件设计+毕业论文) 最后编辑:2021-06-10
    增值服务: 自动发货 使用说明 安装指导 环境配置二次开发BUG修复


    随着嵌入式技术的发展和高速宽带网络的普及, 利用网络实现远程监控已为人们广泛接受, 嵌入式网络监控技术正是在此条件下逐步发展成熟起来的. 用户使用Web 浏览器, 通过以太网远程访问内置Web 服务器的监控摄像机, 不但可以实现对现场的远程视频监控, 而且可以向监控现场发送指令. 在整个系统的实现过程中, 嵌入式Web 服务器起着十分重要的作用, 因此, 在嵌入式网络视频监控系统中,Web 服务器的设计对监控系统的整体性能具有直接的影响, 只有有了高效率的Web 服务器, 监控系统的性能才能得到充分的发挥。    实现智能化离不开运算和控制单元,本系统采用MCU(S3C2410)作为主控器件,单片机应用系统由硬件和软件组成。硬件由单片机扩展的存储器、输入/出设备以及各种实现单片机系统控制要求的接口电路和有关的外围电路芯片或部件组成;软件由单片机应用系统实现其特定控制功能的各种工作程序和管理程序组成。在单片机应用系统开发的过程中,应不断调整软、硬件,协调地进行软、硬件设计,以提高工作效率,当系统硬件和软件紧密配合、协调一致,就可以组成高性能的单片机应用系统。本课题完成了单片机应用系统其开发过程的系统的总体设计、硬件设计、软件设计和系统调试,根据开发的实际需要,相互协调、交叉,有机的进行。

    随着Internet 向普通家庭生活不断扩展,消费电子、计算机、通讯一体化趋势日趋明显,现代智能家居由于其安全、方便、高效、快捷、智能化等特点在21 世纪将成为现代社会和家庭的新时尚。当家庭智能网关将家庭中各种各样的家电通过家庭总线技术连接在一起时,就构成了功能强大、高度智能化的现代智能家居系统。而基于嵌入式系统的家庭智能系统在国内才刚刚出现,随着嵌入式技术更加广泛的应用,随着成本的逐步降低,中国的智能家居最终将走向嵌入式





    With the development of embedded technology and high-speed broadband networks, using remote monitoring network has been widely accepted, of embedded network monitoring technology is evolving in this condition, mature up. Users to use Web browser, through Ethernet remote access built-in Web server, surveillance cameras, not only can be achieved on the field of remote video monitoring, and can send commands to the monitoring site. Throughout the system implementation process, the embedded Web server plays an important role, so , in the embedded network video monitoring system, Web server design of the monitoring system has a direct impact on overall performance, only with efficient Web server, monitoring performance of the system to get full play.

    Intelligent computing and control unit can not be separated, the system uses the MCU (S3C2440) as the master device, SCM application system consists of hardware and software. Extended by a single chip hardware memory, input / output devices and a variety of requirements to achieve single chip system control interface circuit and the external circuit chips or components; software by the microcomputer application system to achieve its specific control of various work processes and management procedures composition. In the MCU application development process, should continue to adjust the software and hardware, and coordinated software and hardware designed to improve efficiency, when the system closely with hardware and software, and coordinated, can form high-performance microcontroller applications. The subject completed the Application System the development process of system design, hardware design, software design and system debugging, according to the actual needs of the development, coordination, cross, organic conduct.

    With the Internet expanding to ordinary family life, consumer electronics, computer, communications integration becomes increasingly apparent, modern smart home because of its safe, convenient, efficient, fast, intelligent and so on in the 21st century will become a modern society and the family Xin fashion. When the family home in the smart gateway to a wide range of home appliances through the bus technology to connect families together, constitute a powerful, highly intelligent, modern smart home system. The family-based intelligent system for embedded systems in the country only just emerging, with the embedded technology is more widely used, with gradually lower the cost of China’s intelligent home will eventually be embedded into.


    Key WordsEmbeddedIntelligentMonitoringWeb server



    1. 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2 智能家居系统概述 1

    1.3 课题研究目的及意义 2

    1.4 系统设计主要任务 2

    2. 方案设计 3

    2.1 系统总体设计和分析 3

    2.2 系统框图 4

    2.3 实现效果图 5

    3. 硬件电路设计 8

    3.1 CPU-S3C2440介绍 8

    3.2 GPRS模组介绍 9

    3.3 SHT10温湿度传感器 11

    3.3 摄像头介绍 11

    4. 软件平台 13

    4.1 LINUX操作系统介绍 13

    4.2 BOA简介 14

    4.3 CGI简介 14

    4.4 AT命令集简介 15

    4.5 BOA服务器的搭建 16

    4.6 CGI程序的编写 17

    4.7 GPRS的编程 17

    4.8 温湿度传感器程序 17

    4.9 摄像头程序模块 17

    5. 系统制作与调试 18

    5.1 系统硬件调试 18

    5.2 软件及联机调试 18

    5.2.1 主控程序调试 18

    5.2.2 GPRS程序调试 18

    5.2.3 BOA服务器调试 19

    5.2.4 远程控制调试 20

    5.2.5 CGI程序调试 22

    5.2.6 摄像头调试 23


    参考文献 25


    附录A CGI程序 27

    附录B UARTGPRS初始化程序 36

    附录C 发送和接收短信程序 38

    附录D 远程控制开发板程序 44





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