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摘 要
In the networking technology is increasingly popular 21st century, many of the original work and the traditional way of life is also quietly changed in the power network, the more convenient and efficient. Traditional exams crowd as the Internet continues to reform and innovative ways of online exam is gradually being recognized by the people and use. Online exam to get rid of the traditional single-mode test, significantly improve students’ learning ability and efficiency, reduce the teaching load more teachers, saving working time, to facilitate the teacher based on test data analysis of student teaching methods and more teaching mode improve work efficiency while also improving student achievement. Online examination system can be for teachers manage students, the volume setting exams, automatic on-line change volume, statistics, analysis results, but also for the students to see the exam, online exam papers after the test analysis, and query results. Therefore, convenient and efficient online exam will become a trend test method.
This paper describes the overall design graduate design background and online examination system, the details of requirements analysis, system design, database design. Using Java technology, mvc mode, Mysql database development online examination system, which has student registration, login, online examinations, and after the test scores to see the papers, teachers login, random topic rolls, paper management, set up the basic functions of the exam. This article focuses on the background technology online examination system and the realization principle, the system is divided into three modules: the administrator module, teacher module, student module. System focused on the core functions of the volume of teachers, management papers, setting examinations, marking papers, performance analysis, student exams, view the results, analysis papers and other modules. At the end of the text, it will describe the system development process some of the problems and solutions.
This article describes the online examination system using DreamWeaver, Myeclipese as a development tool, Mysql database as the backend database management background database. Run effect of the system reflects the system development is clear, convenient, efficient and other operational advantages, in line with the design concept, the design requirements.
Key words:Online examination system;B/S structure;Mysql Database;Java; MVC;Servlet;
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