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  • 基于Java socket的网络聊天室的设计与实现毕业论文+任务书+开题+答辩PPT+源码+辅导视频

    基于Java socket的网络聊天室的设计与实现毕业论文+任务书+开题+答辩PPT+源码+辅导视频 最后编辑:2021-06-09
    增值服务: 自动发货 使用说明 安装指导 环境配置二次开发BUG修复

    Java chat room system design and implementation
    Abstract: With the development of Internet technology, network technology is developing very fast in the area of computer technology, one of emerged from it until now, it in many aspects, such as politics, economy, life play an irreplaceable role. With the growing popularity of the computer and popularization, the future will be more and more people use the Internet, enjoy the constantly update and improve the network services, to improve the level of their work lives. With the development of our economy and the popularization of the Internet, the Internet technology is also used more in the daily life of people. In application development and process oriented programming technology is gradually replaced by object-oriented programming technology, the computer software design and development has become the dominant, especially in the development of network technology, the object-oriented Java language programming is development rapidly in explosive. Remote education, online banking, shopping online, video online, and online games are all using object-oriented Java technology. And Java portable features enable Java programs to be compiled into bytecode that is not relevant to the platform, which enables Java programs to run on machines with Java interpreters. It really reduces the development cost of the enterprise and the development time and difficulty of the developer.
    In today’s society, people’s lives have long been inseparable from the Internet. In the future, the life and work of society will depend more on the development of digital technology, more and more networked, digital, electronic and virtualized. E-commerce is also becoming more and more relevant with the development of the Internet and people’s life. The use of the development of the Internet and the current situation and development trend, can believe network technology step by step change our work and lifestyle, and social values will all change of step by step.
    In today’s rapid development of network, the query on the Internet become people to quickly get published, and transfer information important channel, it in many aspects, such as people, political economy, life play an important role. Traditional letter-writing methods do not satisfy people’s immediate demand for information. Thus, can chat face to face on the Internet become important human needs, a popular chat tools should be: interface and pure and fresh, simple operation, humanity, saving system resources. For this purpose, build the chat system.
    This paper completes the development of an online chat room program through Java’s sockets. This article introduces the design and completion of network chat room program.
    Key words: chat rooms; the Java; Client / Server;the Socket;
    目  录
    摘要 I
    Abstract II
    目  录 III
    1 引言 1
    2 网络聊天室的简介 2
    2.1网络聊天室现状和发展 2
    3 完成网络聊天室的技术以及环境 4
    3.1 Java的介绍 4
    3.2 Java的特点 4
    3.3 TCP/IP协议的知识 5
    3.4 Socket的介绍 6
    3.5 开发工具 6
    4 网络聊天室系统的设计 7
    4.1项目概述 7
    4.2 网络聊天室系统的设计 7
    5 系统详细设计 8
    5.1 服务器模块的设计 8
    5.2 客户端模块的设计 8
    6 系统测试 9
    6.1 单元测试 9
    6.2 系统测试 9
    7 总结 10
    参考文献 11
    致谢 12

    基于Java socket的网络聊天室的设计与实现毕业论文+任务书+开题+答辩PPT+源码+辅导视频
    基于Java socket的网络聊天室的设计与实现毕业论文+任务书+开题+答辩PPT+源码+辅导视频
    基于Java socket的网络聊天室的设计与实现毕业论文+任务书+开题+答辩PPT+源码+辅导视频
    基于Java socket的网络聊天室的设计与实现毕业论文+任务书+开题+答辩PPT+源码+辅导视频
    基于Java socket的网络聊天室的设计与实现毕业论文+任务书+开题+答辩PPT+源码+辅导视频
    基于Java socket的网络聊天室的设计与实现毕业论文+任务书+开题+答辩PPT+源码+辅导视频
    基于Java socket的网络聊天室的设计与实现毕业论文+任务书+开题+答辩PPT+源码+辅导视频
    基于Java socket的网络聊天室的设计与实现毕业论文+任务书+开题+答辩PPT+源码+辅导视频
    基于Java socket的网络聊天室的设计与实现毕业论文+任务书+开题+答辩PPT+源码+辅导视频



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    99源码网 » 基于Java socket的网络聊天室的设计与实现毕业论文+任务书+开题+答辩PPT+源码+辅导视频


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