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摘 要
Nowadays,we live in an era of the Internet,With the development of smart phones and network technology, the unprecedented development of e-commerce,many goods s-ales have gradually shifted from the tangible market to the virtual network.In order to meet the needs of people to buy sporting goods,Online sports malls came into being.The aim is to establish a high-speed and convenient online information bridge between the sports mall and the consumers,which can save the user’s time and make them easy to buy and keep it at the forefront of the times.
The design of the system strictly follow the software development process, the use of MVC model, the use of open source framework Struts2, Spring, Hibernate development, the use of java language, back-end database using MySQL,through the Spring configuration file and database seamless connection, the application can be cross-platform Web application technology and SSH combined with the development of online shopping system – online sports mall,by using these frameworks, the logic of the development process is clearer, more hierarchical, simplifying code writing, better understanding of Web applications and these open source framework technologies, and proficient in the use of framework development processes.
The front desk page of the sports mall website is very simple and clear, when the user first visit the mall, you can clearly see the mall in the new goods and sales ranking, can be very convenient to pick their own needs goods,the management of the background is also very convenient, the administrator can manage the goods, orders, etc., so the creation of online sports mall can better solve people because there is no time to the store and can not buy their own needs sporting goods,businesses use the system, you can also facilitate the management, improve work efficiency.
KEYWORD:Online sports mall; Struts2; Spring; Hibernate; MVC
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 1
第1章 前 言 3
1.1系统开发背景 3
1.2国内外研究现状 3
1.3系统开发目的及意义 4
第2章 相关技术工具介绍 5
2.1 Struts2与MVC 5
2.2 Hibernate 6
2.3 Spring 6
2.4开发工具以及环境 6
2.4.1 Eclipse工具说明 6
2.4.2 MySQL工具说明 6
2.4.3 Tomcat服务器介绍 7
2.4.4 系统运行环境 7
第3章 系统的分析 8
3.1 系统可行性分析 8
3.1.1 经济可行性 8
3.1.2 技术可行性 8
3.1.3 操作可行性 8
3.1.4 时间可行性 9
3.1.5 法律可行性 9
3.2 系统需求分析 9
3.3 业务流程分析 10
第4章 系统的设计 12
4.1 系统的设计 12
4.2 业务对象设计 12
4.3 业务流程设计 14
4.3.1 业务流程图 14
4.3.2 系统前台功能图 15
4.3.3 系统后台功能图 15
4.4 数据库 16
4.4.1 数据库需求分析 16
4.4.2 数据库概念结构设计 16
4.4.2 数据库逻辑结构设计 18
第5章 系统的实现 21
5.1 体育商城前台界面 21
5.1.1首页界面 21
5.1.2商品分类 23
5.1.3商品描述 23
5.1.4 销量排行 24
5.1.5 商品搜索 25
5.1.6会员注册 25
5.1.7购物车 27
5.1.8 订单管理 28
5.1.9留言 29
5.1.10 公告 29
5.1.11 联系我们 30
5.2 体育商城后台管理 30
5.2.1 首页界面 30
5.2.2 系统参数 35
5.2.3 管理员维护 35
5.2.4 会员管理 35
5.2.5 商品管理 35
5.2.6 订单管理 36
5.2.7 销量管理 36
5.2.8 留言公告管理 37
5.3 配置文件说明 37
第6章 系统的测试 39
6.1程序调试 39
6.2 程序的测试 39
6.2.1 测试的重要性及目的 39
6.2.2 测试的步骤 40
第7章 总结 45
7.1 系统总结 45
7.2 设计收获与心得 45
7.3 展望 45
致 谢 47
参考文献 48
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