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(免费分享)java基于SSM的进销存管理系统设计与实现 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+项目源码及数据库文件(运行不了,做参考
摘 要
关键词:进销存管理系统;B/S结构;mysql数据库;JSP;spring;springMVC;spring boot;JPA
Since twenty-first Century, more and more data and information are needed in business management. A large number of data and complex data makes the ancient way of manual processing of data gradually appear inadequate. Even some of the information processing in the manual processing mode can not be achieved at all, only the use of the computer’s high operating frequency for iterative calculation. And recently, the country is promoting public entrepreneurship, many small and medium enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises play an important role in China’s economic development. At present, there are a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises in china. With the development of global economic integration and the rise of e-commerce, the competition between small and medium enterprises will become more and more fierce. The rapid development of network and electronic commerce has broken through the limitation of time and space, and has brought more opportunities for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. This requires the small and medium-sized enterprises must change the mode of operation and management of enterprises, improve the operational efficiency of enterprises. With the development of computer technology, operation and management is simplified, the growing popularity of computer knowledge, and fast changing market economy, intense competition, enterprise computer management purch asing inventory sales and many other sectors and has become an inevitable trend.
Keywords: Purchase, sales and inventory management system; B / S structure; Mysql Database; JSP; Spring;SpringMVC;spring boot;JPA
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 研究目标 1
1.3 论文结构 1
1.4 本章小结 2
第二章 相关技术与方法 3
2.1 架构概述 3
2.2 关键技术简介 3
2.3 开发工具 4
2.4 本章小结 5
第三章 系统分析 6
3.1 可行性分析 6
3.2 需求分析 6
3.3 本章小结 15
第四章 系统设计 16
4.1 系统类分析 16
4.2 关键业务设计 21
4.3 数据库设计 23
4.4 本章小结 33
第五章 系统实现 35
5.1 用户登录 35
5.2 采购管理 37
5.3 库存管理 39
5.4 销售管理 42
5.5 备份与恢复 43
5.6 本章小结 46
第六章 系统测试 47
6.1 系统测试综述 47
6.2 测试用例 48
6.3 测试分析 51
6.4 本章小结 52
第七章 总结 53
参考文献 54
致 谢 55
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